Fiorucci - 1973
Corporate clan development (1971-73). Concept merchandising of
clothing and fashion Euro-American for Italy (Movie: 'Everything's Ready,
Nothing's Working, All Screwed Up' by Lena Werthmuller) A first for
Italy then worldwide. The Milan shop a target for anarchist bombers.
Category: Clans & Clones

Fiorucci - 1973
The Partnership between Alan Fuller and The Guy was formed in
1970. At this time some of the main influences were Duchamp, Magritte and
Oldenburgh: they were adapting the severe American Pop, and translating
it into a more whimsical European direction equivalent.
At this stage they were approached by the Milanese fashion company Fiorocci
who asked them to create a positive identity for the store interior and
graphics. Fiorocci's general feeling for fashion was very progressive at
this time. He was responsible for introducing many top international fashion
designers to Italy, which included Ossie Clark, Emmanuelle Khan, Betsy Johnson
and Jim O'Connor of Mr Freedom. A completely flexible store system was required,
in which areas could be formed at short notice with the minimum of disruption
to trading and expense. This was achieved by a one metre square tubular
grid system, forming a suspended ceiling to which hanging rails, partitions,
and changing rooms could be achieved at will: in conjunction with this interchangeable
cut-out graphic panels, using simple bold motifs to locate and identify
different selling areas. Air conditioning trunking was left exposed and
it's form emphasised by the use of primary colours. The related use of colour
and music throughout the store creates an excellent atmosphere.